10 January 2008

Go to the Movies to See What We've Done...

Serving your country in a democracy is supposed to be a noble thing. They aren't supposed to be mercenaries and this isn't supposed to be imperialist Britain and this isn't the French Foreign Legion. Body of War. Phil Donahue has made a film that might be required viewing for the likes of Kristol, Hannity, ad nauseum. Great post about this by Russell Mokhiber over at Commondreams.

Watch the trailer here. And visit the website for the film here.

04 January 2008

Finally! Someone to Explain Sub-Prime Lending!

Just. WATCH. Freaking hilarious. I thought I was the only one who wanted to pull my hair out every time I listened to "respectable" economists discuss this crap.
Found from the great blog Largest Minority by way of C&L.